Snowshoee left us far too soon. Many of us didn't know her while she was an active BookCrosser. However, after she got sick, her fellow BookCrossers in Portugal, kept us informed of her progress. Through this, many of us learned to care for this lovely young woman as she fought the battle for her life.
Her family and friends started a blog for her, Querida Snowshoee. Many of the posts have been translated to English, and you can read her letter to those she feared she was leaving behind. (Note: This blog is still online as of this date, November 2, 2010. If at some point in the future you notice that the link doesn't work, please let me know.
I guess the part that resonated with me was her last sentence, "Fight for the animals, fight for people, fight for this world ..." If we all remember her wishes, it's a nice legacy.
The Snowshoee Bookshelf
A Snowshoee deixou-nos demasiado cedo. Muitos de nós não a conhecemos quando era BookCrosser activa. No entanto, depois de ela adoecer, os BookCrossers portugueses mantiveram-nos informados sobre o seu progresso. Devido a isso, muitos de nós aprendemos a gostar desta jovem adorável que travava uma batalha pela vida.
Os seus familiares e amigos fundaram um blog, Querida Snowshoee, onde podemos ler a carta que ela escreveu para os que receava deixar. (Nota: o blog continua online nesta data, October 11, 2009. Se algures no futuro verificarem que o link não funciona, informem-me, por favor.)
Creio que a parte que mais me tocou foi a sua última frase: 'Lutem pelos animais, lutem pelas pessoas, lutem por este mundo...' Se todos recordarmos os seus desejos, é um bom legado.
Bookshelf da Snowshoee
Special thanks to Marcenda for the translation and the picture.
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